
ZoodPay wants to provide its payment solution to every online business who may be interested in it. ZoodPay API v0 is the latest version which offers our latest features.

Please contact to our account manager who helps you to create a ZoodPay account. Please collect the Sandbox and Production keys to start the integration process.

Merchant Guideline

Click Here

API Environments

Please check API Environments as mentioned below:



ZoodPay Service Models

ZoodPay offers their merchants a choice of two different service models.

1. ZoodPay Installment (ZPI)

This service model completes the payment approval, starts the consumer's payment plan (installments), and settles the order value with the merchant's nominated bank account.

2. Pay After Delivery (PAD)

This service model completes the payment approval after delivery and starts the consumer's payment plan. It will settle the order value with the merchant's nominated bank account based on delivered items amount.

Integration Flow

Direct Payment Flow

Direct Payment Flow

  1. Merchant calls the Get Configuration endpoint to retrieve Zoodpay order limits, possibly as part of an asynchronous scheduled background process.
  2. Merchant stores these minimum and maximum order values server-side.
  3. Separately, at the checkout, Merchant uses the stored Zoodpay minimum and maximum order values to determine if Zoodpay should be presented as an available payment method.
  4. Merchant calls the Create Transaction endpoint to retrieve ZoodPay payment URL and session token.
  5. Merchant uses the token in combination with the Payment URL to direct the consumer through the ZoodPay payment screenflow.
  6. Consumer completes the Zoodpay screenflow and is returned to the Merchant website.
    1. If the Consumer clicks "confirm", they will be returned to the Merchant website with the transaction id and a status of "SUCCESS".
    2. If the Consumer cancels, they will be returned to the Merchant website with the transaction id and a status of "CANCELLED".
    3. If there is an issue with Consumer Card, they will be returned to the Merchant website with the transaction id and a status of "FAILED".

API Architecture


The ZoodPay API is organised around REST. The API attempts to use predictable, resource-oriented URLs and to use HTTP status codes to indicate errors.


The ZoodPay API requires all communications to be secured using TLS 1.2 or greater.

Request Headers

Clients must send appropriate headers with all requests.

HTTP Headers

Field Name Requirement Description
Authorization required See Authentication
Content Type required All POST and PUT requests must declare the content-type as application/json.
Accept recommended. All requests must accept application/json or */*


ZoodPay API uses Basic HTTP Authentication, a simple authentication scheme as explained below and specified by RFC 7617

All API endpoints require this form of authentication except Healthcheck On wrong/incorrect authentication API request will result into "401 Unauthorised" response.

For Example

Merchant Key Secret Key
merchant secret


In conventional HTTP terms, "Merchant ID" is the username and "Secret Key" is the password.

How to create basic auth?

Plain Text Base64 Encoded
merchant:secret bWVyY2hhbnQ6c2VjcmV0

The Authorization header can then be formed by including the word Basic, followed by a single space character, followed by the base64-encoded credential pair.

Final Header
Authorization: Basic bWVyY2hhbnQ6c2VjcmV0


This endpoint can be used to check whether ZoodPay service is available and reachable.

                GET https://{environment}

                curl --request GET \
                --url \
                --header 'content-type: application/json'     

Signature/Checksum Generation Logic

Merchant Logic to create Signature

Merchant will use the sha512 to create the signature. Fields will be used as mentioned :

                string = merchant_key|merchant_reference_no|amount|currency|market_code|salt

                signature = sha512(string) 

Note: Each field will be separated by delimiter "|".

Merchant will send the signature in request payload to ZoodPay. Zoodpay will validate the signature and will return error Checksum provided is invalid if signature is invalid.

ZoodPay Logic to create Signature

ZoodPay will use the sha512 to create the signature. Fields will be used in reverse order as mentioned :

                string = market_code|currency|amount|merchant_reference_no|merchant_key|transaction_id|salt

                signature = sha512(string) 

It will send in response payload to Merchant. Merchant will validate the signature and update transaction status accordingly if signature is invalid. Or they can also use our Get Transaction Status API to check the status of transaction.

Note: Salt will be provided at the time of account creation.

Zoodpay Logic to create Signature for refund callback

ZoodPay will use the sha512 to create the signature. Fields will be used as mentioned :

                string = merchant_refund_reference|refund_amount|status|merchant_key|refund_id|salt

                signature = sha512(string) 

Note: Each field will be separated by delimiter "|".

Zoodpay will send the signature in refund callback request payload to Merchant. Merchant will validate the signature and update refund status accordingly if signature is invalid.

Data Models Description

1. Get Configuration Method

a. Request Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
market_code string required The ISO 3166-1 country code. Length should be 2 or 3 characters. Possible values are "KZ", "UZ", "IQ", "JO", "KSA", "KW", "LB"

b. Response Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
configuration Configuration[] An array of ZoodPay Services configurations

c. Configuration Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
min_limit decimal Minimum limit of service for merchant.
max_limit decimal Maximum limit of service for merchant.
service_name string Service Name.
description string Description of the service in merchant preferred language
service_code string ZoodPay Service Code. Short form of payment type “ZPI” & “PAD”
instalments integer Total Instalment Number

2. Create Transaction Method

a. Request Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
customer Customer required Customer detail object who placed the order at Merchant shop.
order Order required Merchant's order object.
items Items[] required An array of order items.
billing Contact The consumer's billing address.
shipping Contact required The consumer's shipping address.
shipping_service ShippingService The customer's shipping service.

b. Response Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
transaction_id string ZoodPay Transaction ID which will be used in subsequent API calls related to transaction and refunds.
session_token string Session token to be used to complete payment. Please note that there is no use of this field and has been reserved for future use cases.
expiry_time integer A UTC timestamp of the session token, in ISO 8601 format. It gives information when token will be expired.
payment_url string A URL that can be used to redirect the customer to ZoodPay screenflow directly from the merchant backend.
signature string Merchant should validate the parameter values by verifying the signature/checksum comes in the response before confirmation of the transaction at their end. It ensures that parameter values not tempered. Signature string can be verified by using ZoodPay checksum algorithm.

c. Customer Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
first_name string required Customer’s first name. Length should be between 3 to 50 characters.
last_name string Customer’s last name. Length should be less than 50 characters
customer_email string Customer’s email address. Length should be less than 128 characters
customer_phone string required Customer’s phone number. Length should be less than 32 characters (international format).
customer_dob string Customer’s date of birth. Date format should be YYYY-mm-dd
customer_pid string Customer’s personal identification number. Length should be 12 characters and 9 characters for KZ and UZ market respectively.

d. Order Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
service_code string required ZoodPay Service Code. Short form of ZoodPay payment type. Supported values “ZPI“ and “PAD“ received from Configuration API.
amount decimal required Order amount is a final amount in a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places.
currency string required The currency in ISO-4217 format. Supported values include "KZT", “UZS“, "IQD", "JOD", "SAR", "KWD", "LBP" for market code "KZ", "UZ", "IQ", "JO", "KSA", "KW", "LB" respectively. The value provided must correspond to the local currency of the market code.
market_code string required The ISO 3166-1 country code. Length should be 2 or 3 characters. Possible values are "KZ", "UZ", "IQ", "JO", "KSA", "KW", "LB".
merchant_reference_no string required The merchant's unique order id/reference associated to this transaction.
signature string required ZoodPay validates the request and ensures that paramteres are not tempered by verifying the signature in the request. For creating the checksum (signature) refer to the steps given in Checksum logic. Note: Create the signature using the body parameter of the request along with the salt key.
lang string Customer language according to market code. Supported values include “en“, “ru“, “uz“, “kk“, “ar“, “ku“. Default value will be “en”.
discount_amount decimal Order discount amount in a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places.
shipping_amount decimal Order shipping amount in a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places.
tax_amount decimal Order tax amount if any in a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places.

e. Item Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
name string required Item name. Length should be less than 255 characters.
sku string Item SKU. Length should be less than 64 characters.
quantity integer required The quantity of the item, stored as a integer. Should be greater than 0.
price decimal required Item price in a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places.
discount_amount decimal Item discount amount in a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places.
tax_amount decimal Order tax amount if any in a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places.
currency_code decimal The currency in ISO-4217 format. Supported values include "KZT", “UZS“, "IQD", "JOD", "SAR", "KWD", "LBP" for market code "KZ", "UZ", "IQ", "JO", "KSA", "KW", "LB" respectively. The value provided must correspond to the local currency of the market code.
categories [] [] string required An array of arrays to accommodate multiple categories that apply to the item. Each array represents a hierarchical path to a category (category name), with the left-most category being the top-level parent category.

f. Contact Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
name string required Full Name. Length should be less than 255 characters.
address_line1 string required First line of the address. Length should be less than 128 characters.
address_line2 string Second line of the address. Length should be less than 128 characters.
city string City of address. Length should be less than 100 characters.
state string State of address. Length should be less than 100 characters.
zipcode string required ZIP or Postal Code. Length should be less than 64 characters.
country_code string required The ISO 3166-1 country code. Length should be 2 or 3 characters.
phone_number string The phone number, in E.123 format. Length up to 32 characters.

g. Shipping Service Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
name string The name of the shipping service/provider. Length should be less than 128 characters.
shipped_at string The date and time when the order was shipped, in ISO 8601 format. Please note that this is not mandatory field during create transaction.
tracking string The tracking number provided by the courier. Length should be less than 128 characters. Please note that this is not mandatory field during create transaction.
priority string The shipping priority. If provided, must be either "STANDARD" or "EXPRESS".

3. Create Refund Method

a. Request Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
transaction_id string required The unique ZoodPay Transaction ID to create refund.
refund_amount decimal required The refund amount should not greater than transaction amount or sum of multiple refund amounts should not exceed transaction amount.
reason string required The merchant’s reason to create the refund.
request_id string A unique Request ID, required for safe retries. It is recommended that the merchant generate a UUID for each unique refund.
merchant_refund_reference string The merchant's corresponding refund ID or reference, required for safe retries.

b. Response Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
refund_id string The unique ZoodPay Refund ID.
refund Refund ZoodPay Refund object.

c. Refund Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
refund_id string The unique ZoodPay Refund ID.
refund_amount decimal The refund amount should not greater than transaction amount or sum of multiple refund amounts should not exceed transaction amount.
currency string Currency of refund amount.
transaction_id string The unique ZoodPay Transaction ID.
status string Refund status. Possible values are Initiated, Approved, Declined.
declined_reason string Refund decline reason need to be displayed if refund has been declined, otherwise it remains empty.
request_id string A unique Request ID, required for safe retries. It is recommended that the merchant generate a UUID for each unique refund.
merchant_refund_reference string The merchant's corresponding refund ID or reference, required for safe retries. This must be included along with the request_id to utilise idempotency.
created_at string A UTC timestamp of the refund creation time, in ISO 8601 format.
refunded_at string A UTC timestamp of the refunded time, in ISO 8601 format.

4. Set Transaction Delivery Date

a. Request Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
delivered_at string required The date and time when the order was shipped, in ISO 8601 format.
final_capture_amount decimal This field is for the future purposes and it is the final amount that needs to be debited from the customer. If zero or field does not exists in the payload then original amount of the transactions needs to be debited.

b. Response Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
transaction_id string ZoodPay Transaction ID which will be used in subsequent API calls related to transaction and refunds.
status string Transaction status. Possible values are Inactive, Paid, Pending, Failed and Cancelled.
original_amount decimal Original amount captured at the time of transaction creation.
final_capture_amount decimal Final amount that needs to be debited from the customer.
delivered_at string The date and time when the order was shipped, in ISO 8601 format.
sms_link string ZoodPay Delivery link to verify the OTP which was sent to customer mobile number via SMS.This key exists for sandbox environment only.
sms_otp string OTP which was sent to customer for the confirmation of delivery.This key exists for sandbox environment only.

5. Response Data will be post by ZoodPay on Success/Error of Merchant page

HTTP Headers

Field Name Description
Content Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Method POST

a. Request Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
amount decimal Order final amount in a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places.
created_at string A UTC timestamp of the transaction creation time, in ISO 8601 format.
status string Transaction status. Possible values are Inactive, Paid, Pending, Failed and Cancelled.
transaction_id string ZoodPay Transaction ID which will be used in subsequent API calls related to transaction and refunds.
merchant_order_reference string The merchant's unique order id/reference associated to this transaction.
signature string Check the Checksum creation algorithm by ZoodPay , which will be sent to the merchant.

6. Get Customer`s Credit Balance API

a. Request Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
market_code string required The ISO 3166-1 country code. Length should be 2 or 3 characters. Possible values are "KZ", "UZ", "IQ", "JO", "KSA", "KW", "LB"
customer_mobile string required Customer’s mobile number. Length should be less than 32 characters.

b. Response Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
credit_balance CreditBalance[] An array of available credit balances service wise.

c. CreditBalance Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
service_code string ZoodPay Service Code. Short form of payment type “ZPI”,“PAD” etc.
amount decimal Available credit limit for requested service.
currency string The currency for credit limit in ISO-4217 format.

Callback API / Webhooks

1. Instant Payment Notification (IPN) Request Payload by ZoodPay on Merchant callback URL

HTTP Headers

Field Name Description
Content Type application/json
Method POST


                  "amount": "200.00",
                  "created_at": "2020-09-22T11:23:55.432Z",
                  "status": "Paid",
                  "transaction_id": "5fd751239103c"
                  ”merchant_order_reference”: 12345
                  ”signature”: “98f6edca713f25495da17a806636101eca46501b080dc6f47fab85d1223a1” 

a. Request Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
amount decimal Order final amount in a decimal number, rounded to 2 decimal places.
created_at string A UTC timestamp of the transaction creation time, in ISO 8601 format.
status string Transaction status. Possible values are Inactive, Paid, Pending, Failed and Cancelled.
transaction_id string ZoodPay Transaction ID which will be used in subsequent API calls related to transaction and refunds.
merchant_order_reference string The merchant's unique order id/reference associated to this transaction.
signature string Check the Checksum creation algorithm by ZoodPay , which will be sent to the merchant.

2. Refund Url Payload by ZoodPay on Merchant callback URL

HTTP Headers

Field Name Description
Content Type application/json
Method POST


                  "refund": {
                    "created_at": "2020-12-10T10:48:44+00:00",
                    "currency": "KZT",
                    "declined_reason": "",
                    "merchant_refund_reference": "merch123",
                    "refund_amount": 10.00,
                    "refund_id": "5fd1fdc3f77d",
                    "refunded_at": "2021-01-10T23:00:00+00:00",
                    "request_id": "100",
                    "status": "Done",
                    "transaction_id": "5fd1eab5b1d71",                    
                  "signature": "b5b8a7a4b25e622ea7ab56e62ac8bb069f708"
                  "refund_id": "5fd1fd0c3f77d"

a. Request Payload Data Model

Field Name Field Type Description
refund_id string The unique ZoodPay Refund ID.
signature string Merchant should validate the parameter values by verifying the signature/checksum comes in the request. Signature string can be verified by using Zoodpay Refund Checksum logic.
refund Refund ZoodPay Refund object.

API Simulator

Please click here it will be open in a new page

Platform Integration

  1. WordPress Extension

This guide describes how to integrate ZoodPay into your WooCommerce website so that you can provide ZoodPay as a payment option for your customers. After integrating with ZoodPay, your WooCommerce site will:

  1. Offer ZoodPay as a payment option on the checkout page.
  2. Refund ZoodPay payments from your WooCommerce order management system.

Integration Steps

  1. Install and configure the ZoodPay WooCommerce extension
  2. Sandbox Testing
  3. WooCommerce Live Checkout

Required Steps Before Integration

  1. You should have a ZoodPay Merchant account.
    1. Please visit our Contact Page if you don’t have an account.
  2. Make sure you have the following details from ZoodPay.
    1. Merchant Key
    2. Merchant Secret
    3. Merchant Salt
    4. ZoodPay API URL
  3. Familiarize yourself with the Transaction Flow of ZoodPay.

Install the ZoodPay WooCommerce Extension

  1. ZoodPay WordPress Plugin Available on GitHub
  1. Log in to your website’s Wordpress admin.
    1. Ex:
    WP Login Page
  2. In the left sidebar, click Plugins > Add New.
  3. Search for ZoodPay.
  4. Click Install Now.
  5. WP Install Plugin Page
  6. Click Activate
  7. WP Activate ZoodPay Plugin

Admin Configuration

  1. In the left sidebar, click WooCommerce > Settings .
  2. Select the Payments tab.
  3. Click the Manage button for ZoodPay
  4. WP WooCommerce Setting
  5. Check the Enable/Disable checkbox for enabling ZoodPay.
  6. Set Title for ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later .
  7. Set Merchant Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  8. Set Merchant Secret Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  9. Set Merchant Salt Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  10. Set API URL as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
    1. Click on the API HealthCheck, to verify the API HEALTH
  11. Select Market Code Based on your Country.
  12. Select Language Code Based on your Preference.
  13. WP WooCommerce Save ZoodPay Settings
  14. Click Save Changes.
  15. Click Fetch Configuration

WooCommerce Sandbox Testing

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your WooCommerce admin, enter the Sandbox API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the configuration and afterwards fetch the configuration
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option.
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. WP WooCommerce Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. Follow instruction that provided on ZoodPay UI to Complete Order.
  6. After the payment is completed on ZoodPay UI, you should be redirected back to your website and see a successful payment page.
  7. Sandbox testing is complete. and you can verify the test order from the ZoodPay Merchant Dashboard

WooCommerce Live Checkout

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your WooCommerce admin, enter the Live API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the configuration and afterwards fetch the configuration
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option .
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. WP WooCommerce Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. If you are redirected to the ZoodPay Payment UI, your integration is complete. Congratulations!
  6. Warning Don’t complete the payment. Your checkout is now live, so you will be charged if you complete.


If testing was unsuccessful, review the following:
  1. Check that ZoodPay WooCommerce extension is the most updated version.
    1. ZoodPay extension is activated.
      1. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins, then click View Details next to the ZoodPay WooCommerce Payment. If there is an option to upgrade, do so now.
    2. Go to WooCommerce > Settings and ensure the switch is turned On.
    3. Merchant Key was entered correctly.
    4. Merchant Secret Key was entered correctly.
    5. Merchant Salt Key was entered correctly.
    6. API URL was entered correctly.
    7. Check API HEALTH
    8. Fetch Configuration

Uninstall Steps

  1. Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins.
  2. Under ZoodPay WooCommerce Payment, click Deactivate then click Delete.

What to do if I need any help?

  1. Please write your issue/query to [email protected] .

  1. OpenCart Extension

This guide describes how to integrate ZoodPay into your OpenCart website so that you can provide ZoodPay as a payment option for your customers. After integrating with ZoodPay, your OpenCart site will:

  1. Offer ZoodPay as a payment option on the checkout page.
  2. Refund ZoodPay payments from OpenCart order management system.

Integration Steps

  1. Install and configure the ZoodPay Opencart Extension
  2. Sandbox Testing
  3. OpenCart Live Checkout

Required Steps Before Integration

  1. You should have a ZoodPay Merchant account.
    1. Please visit our Contact Page if you don’t have an account.
  2. Make sure you have the following details from ZoodPay.
    1. Merchant Key
    2. Merchant Secret
    3. Merchant Salt
    4. ZoodPay API URL
  3. Familiarize yourself with the Transaction Flow of ZoodPay.

Install the ZoodPay OpenCart Extension

  1. ZoodPay OpenCart Plugin Available on GitHub OC 2.x , OC 3.x
  1. Log in to your website’s Opencart admin.
    1. Ex:
    OC Login Page
  2. In the left sidebar, click Extensions > Installer > Upload.
  3. Locate the Zip file that you downloaded from ZoodPay Opencart Extension .
  4. It will install the ZoodPay Extension.
  5. OC Install Plugin Page
  6. Navigate to Extension > Payments > Find ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later
  7. OC Activate ZoodPay

Admin Configuration

Filling Information
  1. Select Install
  2. Select Edit ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later.
  3. OC ZoodPay Setting
  4. Select the Enable for enabling ZoodPay.
  5. Set Merchant Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  6. Set Merchant Secret Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  7. Set Merchant Salt Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  8. Set API URL as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
    1. Click on the API HealthCheck, to verify the API HEALTH
  9. OC Save ZoodPay Settings
  10. Click Save Changes.
  11. Click Fetch Configuration
Selecting Order Status
  1. Select Order Statuses from the tab
  2. Fo Each Status, Select respective Status from your System
  3. OC ZoodPay Order Status
  4. Click Save Changes.
Refresh the Modifications
  1. Navigate to Extensions > Modifications
  2. Click Clear Modification
  3. Click Refresh Modification
  4. OC Refresh Modifications
  5. Click Save Changes.

Opencart Sandbox Testing

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your OpenCart admin, enter the Sandbox API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the configuration, afterwards fetch the configuration and refresh modifications
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option.
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. OC Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. Follow instruction that provided on ZoodPay UI to Complete Order.
  6. After the payment is completed on ZoodPay UI, you should be redirected back to your website and see a successful payment page.
  7. Sandbox testing is complete. and you can verify the test order from the ZoodPay Merchant Dashboard

OpenCart Live Checkout

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your OpenCart admin, enter the Live API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the configuration, afterwards fetch the configuration and refresh modifications
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option .
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. OpenCart Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. If you are redirected to the ZoodPay Payment UI, your integration is complete. Congratulations!
  6. Warning Don’t complete the payment. Your checkout is now live, so you will be charged if you complete.


If testing was unsuccessful, review the following:
  1. Check that ZoodPay OpenCart extension is the most updated version.
    1. ZoodPay extension is activated.
      1. Go to OpenCart Market Place > Download the latest version of ZoodPay Opencart Extension
    2. Go to OpenCart Admin Page > Extensions and ensure the ZoodPay is Enabled.
    3. Merchant Key was entered correctly.
    4. Merchant Secret Key was entered correctly.
    5. Merchant Salt Key was entered correctly.
    6. API URL was entered correctly.
    7. Check API HEALTH
    8. Fetch Configuration

Uninstall Steps

  1. Go to Extensions > Payment.
  2. Uninstall the ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later

What to do if I need any help?

  1. Please write your issue/query to [email protected] .

  1. Magento 2 Extension

This guide describes how to integrate ZoodPay into your Magento website so that you can provide ZoodPay as a payment option for your customers. After integrating with ZoodPay, your Magento site will:

  1. Offer ZoodPay as a payment option on the checkout page.
  2. Refund ZoodPay payments from Magento order management system.

Integration Steps

  1. Install and configure the ZoodPay Magento 2 Extension
  2. Sandbox Testing
  3. Magento Live Checkout

Required Steps Before Integration

  1. You should have a ZoodPay Merchant account.
    1. Please visit our Contact Page if you don’t have an account.
  2. Make sure you have the following details from ZoodPay.
    1. Merchant Key
    2. Merchant Secret
    3. Merchant Salt
    4. ZoodPay API URL
  3. Familiarize yourself with the Transaction Flow of ZoodPay.

Install the ZoodPay Magento 2 Extension

Manual Installation
  1. Download the copy of ZoodPay Magento 2 Extension Package from GitHub
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Navigate to Magento [Magento]/app/code/ using SFTP or SSH
  4. Copy the directory from unzipped folder to [Magento]/app/code/.
  5. We will enable the module with help of Magento CLI (command-line interface)
    1. bin/magento module:enable OrientSwiss_ZoodPay
    2. Expected response: Module is enabled
  6. Setup Upgrade with help of Magento CLI (command-line interface)
    1. bin/magento setup:upgrade
  7. Dependencies Injection Compile with help of Magento CLI (command-line interface)
    1. bin/magento setup:di:compile
    2. Expected response: Generated code and dependency injection configuration successfully.
  8. Static Content deployment with help of Magento CLI (command-line interface)
    1. bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    2. Expected response: Successful: XXXXXXX files; errors: 0.
  9. Log in to Magento Admin and navigate to System > Cache Management
  10. Flush the cache storage by selecting Flush Cache Storage
  11. In the Magento admin site, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods and verify that ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later is Displayed
  12. Magento Active Plugin Page

Admin Configuration

Filling Information
  1. Expand ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later
  2. Magento ZoodPay Setting
  3. Select the Enable for enabling ZoodPay.
  4. Set Merchant Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  5. Set Merchant Secret Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  6. Set Merchant Salt Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  7. Set API URL as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
    1. Click on the API HealthCheck, to verify the API HEALTH
  8. Click Save Changes.
Refresh the Cache
  1. Login to Magento Admin and navigate to System > Cache Management
  2. Click Refresh Cache

Magento Sandbox Testing

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your Magento admin, enter the Sandbox API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the configuration, afterwards fetch the configuration and refresh cache
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option.
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. Magento Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. Follow instruction that provided on ZoodPay UI to Complete Order.
  6. After the payment is completed on ZoodPay UI, you should be redirected back to your website and see a successful payment page.
  7. Sandbox testing is complete. and you can verify the test order from the ZoodPay Merchant Dashboard

Magento Live Checkout

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your Magento admin, enter the Live API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the configuration, afterwards fetch the configuration and refresh cache
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option .
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. Magento Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. If you are redirected to the ZoodPay Payment UI, your integration is complete. Congratulations!
  6. Warning Don’t complete the payment. Your checkout is now live, so you will be charged if you complete.


If testing was unsuccessful, review the following:
  1. Check that ZoodPay Magento 2 extension is the most updated version.
    1. ZoodPay extension is activated.
    2. In the Magento admin site, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods and ensure the ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later is Enabled.
    3. Merchant Key was entered correctly.
    4. Merchant Secret Key was entered correctly.
    5. Merchant Salt Key was entered correctly.
    6. API URL was entered correctly.
    7. Check API HEALTH
    8. Fetch Configuration

Uninstall Steps

  1. in the Magento admin site, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Payment Methods and ensure the ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later is Disabled.
  2. We will enable the module with help of Magento CLI (command-line interface)
    1. bin/magento module:disable OrientSwiss_ZoodPay
    2. Expected response: Module is disabled
  3. Setup Upgrade with help of Magento CLI (command-line interface)
    1. bin/magento setup:upgrade
  4. Dependencies Injection Compile with help of Magento CLI (command-line interface)
    1. bin/magento setup:di:compile
    2. Expected response: Generated code and dependency injection configuration successfully.
  5. Static Content deployment with help of Magento CLI (command-line interface)
    1. bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
    2. Expected response: Successful: XXXXXXX files; errors: 0.
  6. Log in to Magento Admin and navigate to System > Cache Management
  7. Flush the cache storage by selecting Flush Cache Storage

What to do if I need any help?

  1. Please write your issue/query to [email protected] .

  1. 1C-Bitrix Extension

This guide describes how to integrate ZoodPay into your 1C-Bitrix website so that you can provide ZoodPay as a payment option for your customers. After integrating with ZoodPay, your 1C-Bitrix site will:

  1. Offer ZoodPay as a payment option on the checkout page.
  2. Refund ZoodPay payments from 1C-Bitrix order management system.

Integration Steps

  1. Install and configure the ZoodPay 1C-Bitrix Extension
  2. Sandbox Testing
  3. 1C-Bitrix Live Checkout

Required Steps Before Integration

  1. You should have a ZoodPay Merchant account.
    1. Please visit our Contact Page if you don’t have an account.
  2. Make sure you have the following details from ZoodPay.
    1. Merchant Key
    2. Merchant Secret
    3. Merchant Salt
    4. ZoodPay API URL
  3. Familiarize yourself with the Transaction Flow of ZoodPay.

Install the ZoodPay 1C-Bitrix Extension

Manual Installation
  1. Download the copy of ZoodPay 1C-Bitrix Extension Package from GitHub
  2. Unzip the file
  3. Navigate to 1C-Bitrix [Bitrix]/bitrix/modules/ using SFTP or SSH
  4. Copy the directory from unzipped folder to [Bitrix]/bitrix/modules/.
  5. Log in to 1C-Bitrix Admin and navigate to MarketPlace > Installed Solutions
  6. Click on Install ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later
  7. Bitrix Active Plugin Page

Admin Configuration

Filling Information
  1. Log in to 1C-Bitrix Admin and navigate to e-Store > Settings > Payment Systems
  2. 1C-Bitrix Payment System
  3. Click New Payment System
  4. Handler Drop Down Select ZoodPay Payment Gateway
  5. 1C-Bitrix Payment System
  6. Select the Enable for enabling ZoodPay.
  7. Set Merchant Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  8. Set Merchant Secret Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  9. Set Merchant Salt Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  10. Set API URL as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
    1. Check the API HealthCheck, to verify the API HEALTH
  11. Set the Order Status code for each Status
  12. Select the Country that Merchant Belong to
  13. Select the ZoodPay Language interface
  14. Click Save Changes.

1C-Bitrix Sandbox Testing

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your 1c-Bitrix admin, enter the Sandbox API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the configuration, check the fetch the configuration
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option.
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. Bitrix Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. Follow instruction that provided on ZoodPay UI to Complete Order.
  6. After the payment is completed on ZoodPay UI, you should be redirected back to your website and see a successful payment page.
  7. Sandbox testing is complete. and you can verify the test order from the ZoodPay Merchant Dashboard

1C-Bitrix Live Checkout

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your 1c-Bitrix admin, enter the Sandbox API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the configuration, check the fetch the configuration
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option.
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. Bitrix Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. If you are redirected to the ZoodPay Payment UI, your integration is complete. Congratulations!
  6. Warning Don’t complete the payment. Your checkout is now live, so you will be charged if you complete.


If testing was unsuccessful, review the following:
  1. Check that ZoodPay 1C-Bitrix extension is the most updated version.
    1. ZoodPay extension is activated.
    2. In the 1c-Bitrix admin site, navigate to e-Store > Settings > Payment Systems and ensure the ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later is Enabled.
    3. Merchant Key was entered correctly.
    4. Merchant Secret Key was entered correctly.
    5. Merchant Salt Key was entered correctly.
    6. API URL was entered correctly.
    7. Check API HEALTH
    8. Fetch Configuration

Uninstall Steps

  1. in the 1c-Bitrix admin site, navigate to e-Store > Settings > Payment Systems and ensure the ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later is Disabled and click Delete.
  2. in the 1c-Bitrix admin site, navigate to MarketPlace > Installed Solutions and click Delete the ZoodPay Buy Now Pay Later.

What to do if I need any help?

  1. Please write your issue/query to [email protected] .

  1. PrestaShop Extension

This guide describes how to integrate ZoodPay into your PrestaShop website so that you can provide ZoodPay as a payment option for your customers. After integrating with ZoodPay, your PrestaShop site will:

  1. Offer ZoodPay as a payment option on the checkout page.
  2. Refund ZoodPay payments from your PrestaShop ZoodPay management system.

Integration Steps

  1. Install and configure the ZoodPay PrestaShop extension
  2. Sandbox Testing
  3. PrestaShop Live Checkout

Required Steps Before Integration

  1. You should have a ZoodPay Merchant account.
    1. Please visit our Contact Page if you don’t have an account.
  2. Make sure you have the following details from ZoodPay.
    1. Merchant Key
    2. Merchant Secret
    3. Merchant Salt
    4. ZoodPay API URL
  3. Familiarize yourself with the Transaction Flow of ZoodPay.

Install the ZoodPay PrestaShop Extension

    Manual Installation
  1. Download the copy of ZoodPay PrestaShop Extension Package from GitHub
  2. Log in to your website’s PrestaShop admin.
    1. Ex:
    PrestaShop Login Page
  3. In the left sidebar, Navigate to Modules > Modules Manager.
  4. PrestaShop Install Module Page
  5. Click Upload New
  6. Locate the File that you Downloaded Earlier.
  7. PrestaShop Upload ZoodPay Module
  8. Verify that ZoodPay Module Installed
  9. PrestaShop ZoodPay Module Installed
    Automatic Installation
  1. Log in to your website’s PrestaShop admin.
    1. Ex:
    PrestaShop Login Page
  2. In the left sidebar, Navigate to Modules > Modules Manager.
  3. PrestaShop Install Module Page
  4. Connect to the Addon Market Place
  5. Purchase ZoodPay Payment Module From PrestaShop Addon Market Place
  6. PrestaShop Purchase
  7. Install it from Module Manager Under Selection
  8. Verify that ZoodPay Module Installed

Admin Configuration

  1. In the left sidebar, Navigate to Modules > Modules Manager.
  2. Find ZoodPay Module
  3. Click the Configure
  4. PrestaShop Configure ZoodPay Setting
  5. Set Merchant Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  6. Set Merchant Secret Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  7. Set Merchant Salt Key as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  8. Set API URL as received from the ZoodPay Business Team.
  9. Select Market Code Based on your Country.
  10. Select Language Code Based on your Preference.
  11. PrestaShop Fill Information
  12. Click Save Changes.
  13. Verify API Health
    1. Click on the API HealthCheck, to verify the API HEALTH
  14. Click Fetch Configuration

PrestaShop Sandbox Testing

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your PrestaShop admin, enter the Sandbox API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the information and afterwards fetch the configuration
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option.
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. PrestaShop Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. Follow instruction that provided on ZoodPay UI to Complete Order.
  6. After the payment is completed on ZoodPay UI, you should be redirected back to your website and see a successful payment page.
  7. Sandbox testing is complete. and you can verify the test order from the ZoodPay Merchant Dashboard

PrestaShop Live Checkout

  1. In the ZoodPay configuration page of your PrestaShop admin, enter the Live API URL, Merchant Key, Merchant Secret Key, and Merchant Salt and click save the information and afterwards fetch the configuration
  2. On your website, add an item to the cart, then proceed to Checkout and select ZoodPay as the payment method and choose an available option .
  3. Click Place Order, and you should be redirected to the ZoodPay UI page.
  4. PrestaShop Place Order With ZoodPay
  5. If you are redirected to the ZoodPay Payment UI, your integration is complete. Congratulations!
  6. Warning Don’t complete the payment. Your checkout is now live, so you will be charged if you complete.


If testing was unsuccessful, review the following:
  1. Check that ZoodPay PrestaShop extension is the most updated version.
    1. Go to PrestaShop Admin Page > Module > Module Manager and ensure the addon is enabled.
    2. Merchant Key was entered correctly.
    3. Merchant Secret Key was entered correctly.
    4. Merchant Salt Key was entered correctly.
    5. API URL was entered correctly.
    6. Check API HEALTH
    7. Fetch Configuration

Uninstall Steps

  1. Go to PrestaShop Admin Page > Module > Module Manager.
  2. Under ZoodPay Payment Module, click Disable then click Unistall.

What to do if I need any help?

  1. Please write your issue/query to [email protected] .


ZoodPay API indicates success or failure of a request via HTTP status codes.

HTTP Status / Error Code Error Description Error Message
200-201 The request was processed successfully. NA
400 Bad Request. Relevant error message will be displayed
401 Unauthorised. You are not authenticated to perform the requested action.
404 Not Found Resource not found.
500 Internal Server Error Please try again.
503 Service Unavailable Service Unavailable
504 Gateway Timeout Gateway Timeout